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How to Fast Track your Visa Application

So you’re thinking of applying for a new Aussie Visa. Maybe its a student visa, or a skilled work visa. You think you are ready to take the next step – don’t do anything until you’ve read these 3 short tips, they are short but they will save you a lot of waiting around.

1. Get your documents ready as soon as humanly possible:

No, We arent just talking about your passport or drivers licence. We are talking about the whole shebang. The more detail you can go into the better. At a minimum the important documents you should have digital copies ready to go include :

  • Passport Bio Page
  • Resume/CV
  • High School Certificate including transcript
  • University/College certificates including transcipt
  • Evidence of English Ability (certification and test scores)
  • Marriage Certificate or evidence of De-facto relationship (if applicable)
  • Birth Certificate of children (if applicable)

2. Get your documents translated and certified ASAP!

One of the biggest time consumers when it comes to visa application preparation is the translation of documents into English. All relevant documents MUST be translated into English and certified as required by Immigration. There are many organisations that can do this for your specific language and finding someone who can do this quickly and efficiently can save you weeks of wait time.

3. Use an experienced Registered Migration Agent who has dealt with hundreds of your kind of cases.

A Registered Migration agent who deals with your specific type of case day in day out and has had years of successful clients is highly sort after as they know all the secrets to getting your visa through smoothly and efficiently. Don’t compromise on quality as sometimes the inexperienced, unregistered cheap and nasties can add months of wait time to your application due to neglegence and mishandling of your application you spent good money for! Make sure your agent is regisitered by the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Their MARN number should be visible on their website as required by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Following these simple steps will shave weeks if not more off your visa application process. Best advice for most situations applies here, Be Prepared! Get this done and you will be well on your way to living the Visa dream. May your visa go through smoothly and enjoy your time in Oz! 🙂

Are you looking for an experienced registered migration agent to handle your application? Contact us for a free consultation and see how we can best help you.

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